
1:19:53 - Dex513
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Anmaku0731 confirmed their time - 1:44:20
Anmaku0731 commented: "incredible!!"
Anmaku0731 finished the race - 1:44:23
Anmaku0731: almost theree
Dex513: aaaaaaalmost there
Anmaku0731: noker 5555
Dex513: where are ya at?
Dex513: tyty
Dex513 commented: "what a rush"
Dex513 confirmed their time - 1:19:53
Dex513 finished the race - 1:19:53
Dex513{NB} NB7 | 1:17:19 | 96%
Dex513-NB6 | 1:16:35 | 95%
Dex513-NB5 | 1:14:18 | 93%
Dex513-NB4 | 1:12:43 | 91%
Dex513-NB3 | 1:10:34 | 88%
Dex513-NB2 | 1:09:11 | 86%
Dex513-NB1 | 1:08:06 | 85%
Dex513{SB} SB7 | 1:06:37 | 83%
Dex513-SB6 | 1:05:39 | 82%
Dex513-SB5 | 1:04:05 | 80%
Dex513-SB4 | 1:00:56 | 76%
Dex513-SB3 | 59:21 | 74%
Dex513-SB2 | 58:17 | 73%
Dex513-SB1 | 56:44 | 71%
Dex513{BH2} BH7 | 54:27 | 68%
Dex513-BH6 | 54:26 | 68%
Dex513: ggs
Dex513: thanks!
Dex513{RH} RH7 | 51:10 | 64%
wafzes16: anyway hope your guys run goes well! :)
Dex513: no D;
wafzes16: just game overed lol
Dex513-RH6 | 50:21 | 63%
wafzes16 abandoned the race
Dex513-RH5 | 49:00 | 61%
Dex513-RH4 | 47:26 | 59%
Dex513-RH3 | 46:00 | 57%
Dex513-RH2 | 45:12 | 56%
Dex513-RH1 | 43:36 | 54%
Dex513{PP} PP7 | 41:48 | 52%
Dex513-PP6 | 40:44 | 51%
Dex513: le poig
Dex513-PP4 | 38:32 | 48%
Dex513-PP3 | 37:01 | 46%


Top Ratings
1802 - Jcool114
1710 - Dex513
1642 - OrnateRope
Top Times This Month
1:39:16 - calumj28
PB - 1:15:361706+24Done

"what a rush"
No PB1482+16Done

No PB1460-40DNF

Abandoned - 50:18
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Anmaku0731 confirmed their time - 1:44:20
Anmaku0731 commented: "incredible!!"
Anmaku0731 finished the race - 1:44:23
Anmaku0731: almost theree
Dex513: aaaaaaalmost there
Anmaku0731: noker 5555
Dex513: where are ya at?
Dex513: tyty
Dex513 commented: "what a rush"
Dex513 confirmed their time - 1:19:53
Dex513 finished the race - 1:19:53
Dex513{NB} NB7 | 1:17:19 | 96%
Dex513-NB6 | 1:16:35 | 95%
Dex513-NB5 | 1:14:18 | 93%
Dex513-NB4 | 1:12:43 | 91%
Dex513-NB3 | 1:10:34 | 88%
Dex513-NB2 | 1:09:11 | 86%
Dex513-NB1 | 1:08:06 | 85%
Dex513{SB} SB7 | 1:06:37 | 83%
Dex513-SB6 | 1:05:39 | 82%
Dex513-SB5 | 1:04:05 | 80%
Dex513-SB4 | 1:00:56 | 76%
Dex513-SB3 | 59:21 | 74%
Dex513-SB2 | 58:17 | 73%
Dex513-SB1 | 56:44 | 71%
Dex513{BH2} BH7 | 54:27 | 68%
Dex513-BH6 | 54:26 | 68%
Dex513: ggs
Dex513: thanks!
Dex513{RH} RH7 | 51:10 | 64%
wafzes16: anyway hope your guys run goes well! :)
Dex513: no D;
wafzes16: just game overed lol
Dex513-RH6 | 50:21 | 63%
wafzes16 abandoned the race
Dex513-RH5 | 49:00 | 61%
Dex513-RH4 | 47:26 | 59%
Dex513-RH3 | 46:00 | 57%
Dex513-RH2 | 45:12 | 56%
Dex513-RH1 | 43:36 | 54%
Dex513{PP} PP7 | 41:48 | 52%
Dex513-PP6 | 40:44 | 51%
Dex513: le poig
Dex513-PP4 | 38:32 | 48%
Dex513-PP3 | 37:01 | 46%


Top Ratings
1802 - Jcool114
1710 - Dex513
1642 - OrnateRope
Top Times This Month
1:39:16 - calumj28