70 Star

53:56 - jacooobo
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
GemOfLol confirmed their time - 1:09:49
GemOfLol finished the race - 1:09:49
GemOfLolTTC (0) | 1:07:37 | 94%
GemOfLolRR (0) | 1:01:31 | 88%
michaelsspeedruns finished the race - 59:13
jacooobo confirmed their time - 53:56
michaelsspeedrunsTTC (70) | 56:52 | 95%
GemOfLolHMC (0) | 55:45 | 81%
jacooobo finished the race - 53:56
michaelsspeedrunsRR (63) | 52:05 | 86%
jacoooboTTC 69 | 51:38 | 95%
GemOfLolSL (0) | 50:59 | 75%
michaelsspeedrunsHmc (59) | 48:20 | 77%
GemOfLolTTM (0) | 47:03 | 69%
jacoooboRR 63 | 46:48 | 87%
michaelsspeedrunsSL (53) | 44:48 | 71%
jacoooboHMC 59 | 43:35 | 80%
michaelsspeedrunsTTM (48) | 41:42 | 66%
GemOfLolTHI (0) | 40:25 | 63%
jacoooboSL 53 | 39:49 | 74%
michaelsspeedrunsThi (42) | 38:17 | 60%
GemOfLolWDW (0) | 37:33 | 56%
jacoooboTTM 48 | 36:57 | 68%
michaelsspeedrunsWdw (39) | 35:36 | 56%
jacoooboTHI 42 | 33:42 | 62%
GemOfLolBowser 2 (0) | 32:09 | 50%
jacoooboWDW 39 | 31:34 | 58%
michaelsspeedrunsBitfs (34) | 31:27 | 49%
GemOfLolDDD (0) | 29:23 | 44%
michaelsspeedrunsDDD (33) | 28:58 | 45%
jacoooboFS 34 | 27:42 | 51%
michaelsspeedrunsLLL (30) | 26:07 | 40%
GemOfLolLLL (0) | 25:49 | 38%
jacoooboDDD 33 | 25:26 | 47%
jacoooboLLL 30 | 22:48 | 42%
michaelsspeedrunsSsl (24) | 22:25 | 34%
GemOfLolSSL (0) | 21:19 | 31%
michaelsspeedrunsBBH (20) | 20:13 | 30%
jacoooboSSL 24 | 19:00 | 35%
GemOfLolBBH (0) | 18:34 | 25%
michaelsspeedrunsCcm (18) | 18:27 | 28%
GemOfLolCCM (0) | 16:40 | 19%
jacoooboBBH 20 | 16:33 | 30%
jacoooboCCM 18 | 14:54 | 27%
michaelsspeedrunsBitdw (12) | 13:26 | 20%
GemOfLolBowser 1 (0) | 12:05 | 13%


Top Ratings
1662 - jacooobo
1630 - Mauirrrr
1593 - Heyzeus18
Top Times This Month
52:47 - jacooobo
57:02 - YogoC
PB - 52:431593+38Done

PB - 58:381508+8Done

PB - 1:11:261454-46Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
GemOfLol confirmed their time - 1:09:49
GemOfLol finished the race - 1:09:49
GemOfLolTTC (0) | 1:07:37 | 94%
GemOfLolRR (0) | 1:01:31 | 88%
michaelsspeedruns finished the race - 59:13
jacooobo confirmed their time - 53:56
michaelsspeedrunsTTC (70) | 56:52 | 95%
GemOfLolHMC (0) | 55:45 | 81%
jacooobo finished the race - 53:56
michaelsspeedrunsRR (63) | 52:05 | 86%
jacoooboTTC 69 | 51:38 | 95%
GemOfLolSL (0) | 50:59 | 75%
michaelsspeedrunsHmc (59) | 48:20 | 77%
GemOfLolTTM (0) | 47:03 | 69%
jacoooboRR 63 | 46:48 | 87%
michaelsspeedrunsSL (53) | 44:48 | 71%
jacoooboHMC 59 | 43:35 | 80%
michaelsspeedrunsTTM (48) | 41:42 | 66%
GemOfLolTHI (0) | 40:25 | 63%
jacoooboSL 53 | 39:49 | 74%
michaelsspeedrunsThi (42) | 38:17 | 60%
GemOfLolWDW (0) | 37:33 | 56%
jacoooboTTM 48 | 36:57 | 68%
michaelsspeedrunsWdw (39) | 35:36 | 56%
jacoooboTHI 42 | 33:42 | 62%
GemOfLolBowser 2 (0) | 32:09 | 50%
jacoooboWDW 39 | 31:34 | 58%
michaelsspeedrunsBitfs (34) | 31:27 | 49%
GemOfLolDDD (0) | 29:23 | 44%
michaelsspeedrunsDDD (33) | 28:58 | 45%
jacoooboFS 34 | 27:42 | 51%
michaelsspeedrunsLLL (30) | 26:07 | 40%
GemOfLolLLL (0) | 25:49 | 38%
jacoooboDDD 33 | 25:26 | 47%
jacoooboLLL 30 | 22:48 | 42%
michaelsspeedrunsSsl (24) | 22:25 | 34%
GemOfLolSSL (0) | 21:19 | 31%
michaelsspeedrunsBBH (20) | 20:13 | 30%
jacoooboSSL 24 | 19:00 | 35%
GemOfLolBBH (0) | 18:34 | 25%
michaelsspeedrunsCcm (18) | 18:27 | 28%
GemOfLolCCM (0) | 16:40 | 19%
jacoooboBBH 20 | 16:33 | 30%
jacoooboCCM 18 | 14:54 | 27%
michaelsspeedrunsBitdw (12) | 13:26 | 20%
GemOfLolBowser 1 (0) | 12:05 | 13%


Top Ratings
1662 - jacooobo
1630 - Mauirrrr
1593 - Heyzeus18
Top Times This Month
52:47 - jacooobo
57:02 - YogoC