

1:12:14 - Thunder99D
DarkspySCBM: Decent PB no?
DarkspySCBM commented: "Decente P"
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
DarkspySCBM confirmed their time - 1:16:10
Shmayd confirmed their time - 1:13:41
DarkspySCBM finished the race - 1:16:10
Shmayd: man
Thunder99D commented: "Buns"
Thunder99D confirmed their time - 1:12:14
Shmayd finished the race - 1:13:41
Thunder99D finished the race - 1:12:14
DarkspySCBMThe Parasitic Recreation of the Corpse of a Clone of the Original Ridley | 1:08:53 | 90%
ShmaydRidleys X Factor Audition - 1 | 1:06:40 | 90%
Thunder99DTinnitus | 1:05:21 | 90%
DarkspySCBMPot noodle and a w*nk | 1:05:07 | 85%
ShmaydTroll beam | 1:02:55 | 85%
DarkspySCBMPublic Message | 1:01:53 | 81%
Thunder99DWavy Beem | 1:01:54 | 86%
ShmaydSlooooooooow | 59:41 | 81%
DarkspySCBMBlue Team | 59:01 | 77%
Thunder99DDiffusion Missiles | 58:46 | 81%
ShmaydWhat if it was purple - 1 | 56:57 | 77%
Thunder99DWet Suit | 56:02 | 78%
DarkspySCBMBlasma | 54:45 | 72%
ShmaydBlasma - 0 | 52:46 | 72%
DarkspySCBMKing Yak | 52:16 | 69%
Thunder99DPlasma Beem | 51:51 | 72%
ShmaydYawk Tuah - 0 | 1 | 50:24 | 69%
Thunder99DSpider Cringe | 49:43 | 69%
DarkspySCBMOppenheimer | 47:00 | 62%
ShmaydStupid bombs | 45:31 | 62%
Thunder99DPower Boombs | 44:52 | 62%
DarkspySCBMUSELESS | 44:00 | 58%
Thunder99DAnimales | 41:57 | 58%
DarkspySCBMNot Spazer | 40:14 | 54%
ShmaydFuck off - 0 | 4:35 | 38:52 | 53%
Thunder99DO-Rings | 38:28 | 53%
DarkspySCBMWhat if it was cold? | 36:17 | 48%
ShmaydSector Scam | 35:15 | 48%
Thunder99DIce Missiles | 34:40 | 48%
DarkspySCBMbaria | 31:26 | 42%
ShmaydDid you know that Varia is actually a mistranslation from the Japanese word for "barrier"? - 0 | 30:33 | 42%
Thunder99DCheese Suit | 29:56 | 42%
DarkspySCBMJohn | 26:18 | 35%
ShmaydPOWEEEER | 25:37 | 35%
Thunder99DSupers | 25:03 | 35%
DarkspySCBMBruce | 21:32 | 29%


Top Ratings
1676 - Thunder99D
1519 - nicj100
Top Times This Month
1:12:09 - Thunder99D
1:15:15 - DarkspySCBM
1:15:50 - ronaldrage
PB - 1:11:311531+31Done

PB - 1:12:401501+1Done

PB - 1:16:111468-32Done

"Decente P"
DarkspySCBM: Decent PB no?
DarkspySCBM commented: "Decente P"
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
DarkspySCBM confirmed their time - 1:16:10
Shmayd confirmed their time - 1:13:41
DarkspySCBM finished the race - 1:16:10
Shmayd: man
Thunder99D commented: "Buns"
Thunder99D confirmed their time - 1:12:14
Shmayd finished the race - 1:13:41
Thunder99D finished the race - 1:12:14
DarkspySCBMThe Parasitic Recreation of the Corpse of a Clone of the Original Ridley | 1:08:53 | 90%
ShmaydRidleys X Factor Audition - 1 | 1:06:40 | 90%
Thunder99DTinnitus | 1:05:21 | 90%
DarkspySCBMPot noodle and a w*nk | 1:05:07 | 85%
ShmaydTroll beam | 1:02:55 | 85%
DarkspySCBMPublic Message | 1:01:53 | 81%
Thunder99DWavy Beem | 1:01:54 | 86%
ShmaydSlooooooooow | 59:41 | 81%
DarkspySCBMBlue Team | 59:01 | 77%
Thunder99DDiffusion Missiles | 58:46 | 81%
ShmaydWhat if it was purple - 1 | 56:57 | 77%
Thunder99DWet Suit | 56:02 | 78%
DarkspySCBMBlasma | 54:45 | 72%
ShmaydBlasma - 0 | 52:46 | 72%
DarkspySCBMKing Yak | 52:16 | 69%
Thunder99DPlasma Beem | 51:51 | 72%
ShmaydYawk Tuah - 0 | 1 | 50:24 | 69%
Thunder99DSpider Cringe | 49:43 | 69%
DarkspySCBMOppenheimer | 47:00 | 62%
ShmaydStupid bombs | 45:31 | 62%
Thunder99DPower Boombs | 44:52 | 62%
DarkspySCBMUSELESS | 44:00 | 58%
Thunder99DAnimales | 41:57 | 58%
DarkspySCBMNot Spazer | 40:14 | 54%
ShmaydFuck off - 0 | 4:35 | 38:52 | 53%
Thunder99DO-Rings | 38:28 | 53%
DarkspySCBMWhat if it was cold? | 36:17 | 48%
ShmaydSector Scam | 35:15 | 48%
Thunder99DIce Missiles | 34:40 | 48%
DarkspySCBMbaria | 31:26 | 42%
ShmaydDid you know that Varia is actually a mistranslation from the Japanese word for "barrier"? - 0 | 30:33 | 42%
Thunder99DCheese Suit | 29:56 | 42%
DarkspySCBMJohn | 26:18 | 35%
ShmaydPOWEEEER | 25:37 | 35%
Thunder99DSupers | 25:03 | 35%
DarkspySCBMBruce | 21:32 | 29%


Top Ratings
1676 - Thunder99D
1519 - nicj100
Top Times This Month
1:12:09 - Thunder99D
1:15:15 - DarkspySCBM
1:15:50 - ronaldrage